Craft: Corellian Engineering YT1300 SWACS Type: Spaceborne Warning And Control System Ship Scale: Starfighter Length: 26.7 Meters Skill: Space Transport Piloting: YT1300 Crew: 2; Gunners: 1 Skeleton Crew: 1 Crew Skill: Varies Tremendously Passengers: 6 (Operators) Cargo Capacity: 20 Tons Consumables: 2 Months Cost: 250000 Credits (Modified) Hyperdrive Multiplier: X2 Hyperdrive Backup: X12 Nav Computer: Yes Maneuverability: 0D Space: 4 Atmosphere: 280;800kmh Hull: 4D Shields: 1D Sensors: Passive: 40 / 1D Search: 100 / 3D Scan: 80 / 2D Focus: 5 / 4D Weapons: 1 Laser Cannon Scale: Starfighter Fire Arc: Turret Crew: 1 Skill: Starship Gunnery Fire Control: 2D Space/Atmosphere Range: 1-3/12/25, 0.1-0.3/1.2/2.5 km Damage: 4D Capsule: This is a YT1300 modified with a 10 meter saucer-shaped disk on top of the vessel. This disk contains a powerful sensor array, and the ship is packed with computers and 6 work stations. The operators consists of 1 Coordinator, 2 Fighter Controllers, 2 Sensor Operators and 1 Intelligence Officer. This special vessel was needed because of the special nature of the Alliance starfighter tactics. Quite often was the hyperspace capable starfighters making attacks without the support of a larger vessel, who had the capability of leading the fighters and giving sensor support. To rectify this, some Alliance techs fitted a surplus sensor array inside a purpose-built antenna and connected this with a powerful computer, all this mounted onto an YT1300. The result was the YT1300 SWACS (Spaceborne Warning And Control System).