Craft: Correllian Engineering YT-1700, modified
Type: Modified light freighter
Scale: Starfighter
Length: 35m
Skill: Space transports: YT-1700
Crew: 1, gunners: 10
Passengers: 8 (w/full crew), 18 with only pilot
Cargo Capacity: 100 metric tons, 40 cubic meters
Consumables: 3 months
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x1/2
Hyperdrive Backup: x3
Nav computer: x3
Cost: lots
Maneuverability: 10D
Space: 20 (has 3 ion drives installed)
Atmosphere: 550; 1584kmh
Hull: 10D
Shields: 3D
  Passive: 35/1D
  Scan: 70/2D
  Search 105/4D
  Focus: 4/4D+1
  2 triple heavy laser cannons
  Fire Arco: Turret (dorsal, ventral)
  Crew: 1
  Fire Control: 10D
  Space Range: 1-3/12/25
  Damage: 10D  (modified by 1st ed rules, so this and FC should be 6D)
  2 Concussion missile tubes
  Fire Arc: Front
  Crew: 1 or pilot
  Fire Control: 1D
  Damage 8D (range and skills as normal)
  2 turbolasers (can only fire every other round)
  Scale: Capital
  Fire Arc: 1 front, right, rear, 1 front, left, rear
  Crew: 2
  Fire Control: 4D
  Range: as normal
  Damage 5D
  Heavy Ion Cannon
  Arc: Front
  Crew: 1
  Fire Control: 4D
  Range: normal
  Damage 4D
  Alpha strike
  Arc: Ventral turret
  Fire Control: 4D+2
  Space Range: 3-15/35/75
  Damage: at 1-2 units: 16D; at 4-7 units: 18D+1; at 8-15: 15D+1, 16-25
8D+2, 26-75: 7D
  Proton Torpedo tube
  Arc: front
  Crew: 1 or pilot
  Fire Control: 2D
  Range: normal
  Damage: 9D

  This ship is modified to contain an enlarged power core, with an extra
meter added to the height so the power core spreads out over and under
the ship.  Also, the three ion drives working together create a +4
mishap modifier as they are different models.  The "Alpha Strike" will
explode when a mishap is rolled, causing 20D damage to the ship and a
catastrophic hull mishap.