College Contact Information:
MSC 943 1028 W. 6th St. Moscow, ID 83843 (208) 885-8051 | |
Permanent Contact
Rt. 2 Box 837 Grangeville, ID 83530 (208) 983-0160 |
To receive an internship in the field of Mechanical
Engineering or Metallurgical Engineering.
EDUCATION | University of Idaho, Moscow, ID
Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering, and Bachelor of Science, Metallurgical Engineering Graduation: December, 2004 GPA: 3.93/4.0 Earned 100% of college expenses Course Highlights: Engineering Materials, Engineering Dynamics (Fall
2000), Ordinary Differential Equations (Fall 2000), Mechanical Design Analysis
(Fall 2000), Engineering Physics II (Fall 2000), Analytic Geometry/Calculus
II, Engineering Statics, Engineering Graphics, Engineering Physics I, Introduction
to Mechanical Design
I have been involved with the designing of various devices since 6th
AutoCAD 2000
Excel 97
MS Word 97
WordPerfect 8
AutoCAD R14
Works 4.5 Netscape Composer Photoshop 5 Paintshop Pro 4.12 Home Publishing 2000 |
ASME Rocketry Competition: Spring 2000. Design of a rocket
to meet certain standards. Was the only team not also in the ME223
class, which was doing rocketry as its class project. Won "Most Creative
JEMS 1998: Summer of 1998. Worked with a team on several theoretical design projects, including human factors design of a VCR and the mechanical design of an improved bike pump (that design won "Best Design" award). |
TOPS: Grangeville, ID (August 2000). Designed invitations and
programs for an upcoming State convention.
HONORS/ACTIVITIES/SERVICE | Borah Hall President (Fall 2000 - Present)
Borah Hall Public Relations Chair - Spring 2000 Orientation Leader - Fall 2000 (For Freshman Orientation at the University of Idaho) Phi Eta Sigma - Member National Society of Collegiate Scholars - Vice President of University of Idaho Chapter Dean's List - For both College of Engineering and College of Mines and Natural Resources American Society of Mechanical Engineers - Member Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarship - Recipient State of Idaho Scholarship - Recipient University of Idaho Presidential Scholarship - Recipient University of Idaho Scholars Scholarship - Recipient University of Idaho Scholarship of Merit - Recipient Charles DeVlieg Foundation Scholarship - Recipient National Merit Scholar 4-H - Member for 12 years, Treasurer 2 years, Vice President 2 years, President 1 year. |