Craft: Galamara drives tt-109A Jet scream fighter Type: fast attack craft Length: 13 meters Crew: 1 Consumables: 3 days Cargo space: 50 kilograms Nav comp: none Space: 7(10) Maneuverability: 3D (2D) Hull: 3D Shields: 1D Cost: 190,000 credits Weapons: 2 twin laser blasters Arc: front Range: 1-3/12/25 Fire control: 3D Damage: 5D Weapon: 3 Connor Ion Nets Arc: rear Range: 1/3/7 Fire control: 2D Damage: 6D ionization Notes: The tt-109A or "Jet Screamer" was designed at the new Galamora ship yards in the system of Galamor in Pardin sector. The designers realized it's origional speed was risky when up against newer fighters, so taking out weapons and also a new hyperdrive unit they added 2 retractable Ion Jets. The Ion Jets allowed the ship a sudden boost of speed. A big surprise for any enemies expecting a slow kill. Of course this sudden boost of speed suprises pilots as well. All pilots in these fighters get a penalty of -2D to all action invilving movement until the ship compensates. Due to stresses and other factirs some die codes are reduced. Maneuverability is decreased due to sudden speed. The Jets have their own fuel cells and the fuel lasts for 12 rounds. The connor Ion nets are also a nasty suprise for opposition who gets behind this ship. The canisters fire a net 12 meters by 12 meters in size. Any amount of the net hitting the enemy causes full damage to the ship.