Valeris De'Winter Type : Customised Human Replica Droid Dexterity 5D Blaster 6D, Dodge 6D Knowledge 3D Business 4D, Willpower 4D, Streetwise:Kuat black market 4D Mechanical 3D Repulsorlift operation 3D+1, Space transports 5D, arcahic ship piloting 4D Perception 4D Con 4D, Con:fasttalk 5D, forgery 4D+1 Techincal 3D Droid Programm 6D, Droid Repair 6D (7D+2), Space Transports 6D, Starfighter Repair 3D, Starship Weapons 3D, Capital Ship Repair 4D+1, Computer programming/repair 7D, First Aid 4D, Security 4D Strength 5D Move: 15 Character Points: Force Points: 1 Dark Side Points: Force Sensitive: Equipped with -Humanoid body -Highly modified AA-1Verbo-brain -Human bio-fibers -Clone vat grown skin Special abilities Human Replica -designed to pass as human in every respect. A very Difficult Sensors roll needed to spot something odd about a human replica droid masquerading as a human. Equipment Blaster pistol, comlink, 2x medpac, blast vest, blast helmet,watch, jewelry etc